From 1:00pm to 2:00pm Rosita Stevens-Holsey and Terry Catasus Jennings will be panelists discussing the topic of: The Cost of Banning Books on Social Justice.
nErD Camps are FREE professional development sessions for educators and librarians who love books and want to discuss timely topics with the people who create them! The first nErD Camp was started in Michigan in 2013 by two amazing educators: Colby Sharp and Donalyn Miller. Since then, nErD Camps have popped up all over the country, and in Canada. Last year, on July 15, 2021, in the middle of the pandemic, we held Pennsylvania's second virtual nErD Camp. We had over 130 incredible authors and illustrators join us via Zoom. This year’s nErD Camp PA will focus on the following:
Book bans
Book access
Book love
Getting books into the hands of readers
Tough topics in PBs, MGs, and YAs
The importance of ALL types of books
Most importantly, inclusivity and amplifying authors/illustrators who are from marginalized or underrepresented groups